It's 50 degrees out, which here means Spring! For the weekend, anyway. We're digging up shoots in our garden, looking for any sign of life out there, and in the meantime, we're putting away our darker yarns and swapping them out for lighter colors.
The month started off pretty cold, though, so here's what we worked on through February (and December and January, because we're knitting faster than we can blog) to finish off the winter season:
1. Socks!
Personal fan of a good sock, this was a great pattern to work on, and all the better for having been made specifically for a couple of folks I love and appreciate very much.

2. Dog Sweaters!
A custom gift, one very cute chihuahua has been staying cozy through the New York City winter in his little red sweater, making this lengthy knitting pattern much more fun.

3. Hats!
We don't know why we have so many hats, we just do. And now you can find them in our shop! Pick them up before the holiday rush is a thought in anyone's mind, and be ahead of the crowd.

4. And because we can't seem to let too much time go by without a blanket, we finished a lovely red and brown one that took us way too long to finally complete. It's also available in our shop:

And now, caught up to warmer months, here's a look at the greenery we've conjured up so far this sunny March:
1. Even more blankets!
Just in time for St. Patrick's Day, we're able to show off two lovely green-toned blankets. The larger one is up for sale and a perfect way to show off Irish pride or a general love of green. The darker green is a vivid emerald color, and I think it's one of my favorite blankets to date.

We're working on a few brand-new projects for the rest of March and the months to come and are excited to share them soon! Happy (almost?) Spring!